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Getting to Know Us

Joel Natwick, founder and owner of Tanalian Aviation, has been in the Alaskan aviation industry since 1985. He has over 16,000 incident- and accident-free hours of flying in some of Alaska’s most challenging conditions.

As a commercial fixed-wing pilot flying back and forth across the Bering Sea, or as an airframe and powerplant (A&P) mechanic with an Inspection Authorization (IA) certificate rating, Joel has succeeded with hard work and honesty. He is uncompromising in his approach to safety. He credits his accident-free history first and foremost to the grace of God, and second to a mindset of readiness that “assumes the worst” and thus prepares for it.

His love of flying in the Alaska “bush” led him to develop, and have certified, a leading edge modification kit to help protect the tail surfaces of small planes. His creative resourcefulness and attention to detail have made Joel a leader in salvaging downed aircraft throughout the state of Alaska. Whether a Jack-of-all-trades kind of guy or not, Joel loves what he does, and he does it well.

Our Expert & Talented
Pilots, Flight Instructors, Mechanics, and Flight Coordinators.

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Joel Natwick invested in his first helicopter in 2010 and based it out of Port Alsworth. Soon thereafter, growth and opportunity suggested it was time to establish a second base of operations, so in 2012, Tanalian Aviation opened another location, at Merrill Field in Anchorage. The Anchorage facility is now the principal site, from which a variety of helicopter tours, charter jobs, and maintenance services are now available.

Tanalian Aviation continues to establish mutually rewarding relationships by applying years of experience and know-how to the needs of its customers. Whether for recreation or business, individuals and groups from the private or public sector can expect safe and professional service from some of Alaska’s most skilled pilots.

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